A Full Heart

This past weekend I had the privilege of being witness to and a participant in three significant life events. I sometimes am filled to overflowing with gratitude that I am blessed to be present at so many important times in people’s lives. It has been a surprise to me and to this calling that has become my life, the life of ministry. Sometimes I have to shake myself that I get to be present to such amazing things.

Friday evening I participated in the wedding of a beautiful, young couple. It is always a joy to see the families, people have heard stories about over the time we have met in counseling and wedding preparation. People I have, up to this point,  only imagined. It is wonderful to watch the interaction of the parents wondering what they are seeing in the unfolding lives of their children. I am always intrigued by the choices couples make in the way they shape their wedding service, what is important to them, what seems insignificant. The music that is chosen, the scripture that is read, the friends that stand alongside, all create a picture that will, hopefully, last a lifetime.

On Saturday, I was blessed to participate in the memorial service for one of the saints of our church.  This man was a mentor, a source of wisdom to me,and a beacon of kindness. I will miss him terribly. His memorial service was the craft of his own hand, put together from the notes he had made of the music, words, and scripture that had given shape to his life of faith. While my heart was filled with sadness for his death, it was as equally filled with celebration that, in all the ways the world can turn, I got to travel some of my days with him. I’d like to think that some of his compassion and deep faith rubbed off on me and that I will carry it with me forever.

On Sunday, we celebrated the baptism of one of the newest members of our community. These worship experiences always fill me with such hope for the future and such love for this place I call my church home. We have a special way of inviting people from the community to bring forward small cups of water to create the waters of baptism as they represent the tributaries of the community that will nurture this child in their faith life. Water is brought from special places in the life of the family. This baptism also contained rain water that had been collected from the many rains we’ve known over the last weeks. After the baptism, as this beautiful, young one was passed among the gathered people I allowed myself to look at the faces as they greeted her. Every face was full of promise. Every face was full of love. For me it was a glimpse of the kindom of God.

And so even these few days after, I find my heart is full. I carry the hope of a newly married couple. I am filled with the gifts and memory of a saint. I hold the image of faces full of promise.

It is good. Very, very good.

1 thought on “A Full Heart

  1. Sally,
    I wrote you earlier today to express gratitude for your cloumns in general but in looking for a recipe moments ago, I ran across this column I had saved b/c it so expresses our very own “full hearts” in sharing the very life events you highlighted! In fact we will have had all three experiences this month by the time Carl gathers all the family around next Saturday to perform the wedding of one of our precious nieces! ( And this just happens to be falling on the week-end of our daughter & son-in -law’s first anniversary!) Our hearts are very full as well!

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